Jonah Winninghoff


I am a Johns Hopkins University alumnus and was a Springboard data science fellow with 3 years of experience in advanced data science and econometrics. The combination of experience in both fields bolsters my empirical and experimental researches including randomized controlled trial, contingent valuation and cost-benefit analysis.


I am an IBM Certified Advanced Data Scientist with experience in Natural Processing Language and Computer Vision, and parallel processing, advanced machine learning and deep learning frameworks. I have the ability to efficiently write codes and develop useful analyses.


I have experience working with a range of programming languages: Python, R, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SAS. I work as a Data Analyst at the National Deaf Center to publish interactive data dashboards as a decision-making guide that is used by a variety of stakeholders including researchers, policymakers, and general users.

About Me

Growing up, I always had a keen interest in servant leadership and tackle difficult problems. As any young adult graduating from high school, I was not sure what career path I should have taken. Through undergraduate years majoring in international studies and government with a minor in biology, I had a pensive moment. Economics masters degree was it. Enrolling at John Hopkins University in Economics led me to the opportunity studying data science field plus causal inferences and machine learning. After post graduate studies, I spent several years researching artificial intelligence and built several projects.

A 20-year industry-experience data scientist taught me as a mentor more about the world-class data science pipeline. I have officially became a Data Analyst at National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes. My goal to advance in the data science field continues.


Personal and schoolwork sample projects

Text Summarizer

Causal Inference

Image Classifer
